
Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2024

Below please find News pages and articles in alphabetical order that contains numerous information and documentation.

RMAA June 2024 Newsletter

RMAA Newsflash – Import And Export of Live Animals Under Improvement

ATR 2023-2024 & WSP 2024-2025 RMAA News Flash MANDATORY

Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2023

Below please find News pages and articles in alphabetical order that contains numerous information and documentation

2023-04-30 – FMD Outbreak Technical Report

Phillip Oosthuizen COO RMIS Media statement 7 July 2023

Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2022

Below please find News pages and articles in alphabetical order that contains numerous information and documentation

2022-03-04 – RMAA News Flash 3rd amendment Classification

2022-03-04 – RMAA News Flash FMD

2022-04-12 – Minister Didiza provides update on the Foot-and-Mouth Disease outbreak in South Africa

2022-05-16 – FMD Outbreak Follow-up Report

2022-06-21 – FMD Outbreak Follow-up Report

2022-08-05 – FMD Outbreak Follow-up Report

Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2021

Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2020

Below please find News pages and articles in alphabetical order that contains numerous information and documentation

2020-12-15 – COVID 19 Latest Guidelines and Regulations

2020-12-11 – Name is News flash – Minimum wage increase proposal

2020-12-11 – Government notice for proposed minimum wage

2020-11-24 – RMAA November Newsletter

2020-11-02 – RMAA Newsflash – African Swine Fever Outbreak – Biosecurity at Abattoirs

2020-06-19 – RMAA Newsflash – Transport of Livestock by Ship

2020-06-19 – RVAV Nuusflits – Vervoer van Lewendehawe per skip

2020-06-01 – RMAA News Flash – Conference 2020

2020-05-26 – 2020 Invitation RMAA Conference

2020-05-13 –  RMAA Newsflash ASF

2020-05-05 – RMAA Newsflash – Guidance for abattoir worker

2020-04-28 – RMAA Newsflash  – Guidance for abattoir worker (ZULU version)

2020-04-17 – RMAA Newsflash – Guidance for abattoir worker (TSHWANA version)

2020-04-02 – RMAA News Flash COVID- 19

2020-03-30 – Guidelines for the South African Red Meat Abattoir Industry

2020-03-27 – RMAA News Flash COVID-19 Regulation Update

2020-03-26 – RMAA News Flash COVID-19 Regulation

2020-03-26 – Printable Copy of ANNEXURE C


2020-03-19 – NF Mandatory Grant 2020-2021

2020-03-19 – RMAA News Flash COVID- 19 – Follow up

2020-03-17 – RMAA News Flash COVID- 19

2020-03-17 – Getting Workplace Ready for COVID-19

2020-03-04 – RMAA Newsletter – February

2020-02-05 – Media Statement on FMD

2020-01-31 – Newsletter

2020-01-31 – RD Plan Cattle Small Stock 2020-2024

2020-01-31 – Call for Project Proposals for Red Meat Research and Development extention 9 February 2020

2020-01-28 – Media Statement on FMD

2020-01-28 – RMAA News Flash FMD

Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2019

Below please find News pages in alphabetical order that contains numerous information and documentation

2019-11-27 – FMD Molemole outbreak follow-up report

2019-11-26 – FMD Basic Biosecurity Guidelines

2019-11-26 – RMAA Traceability Newsflash

2019-11-19 – FMD: Basic Biosecurity Guidelines

2019-11-19 – Joint Media Statement of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development and the National Animal Health Forum on Foot and Mouth Disease Update

2019-11-06 – Press Release FMD Molemole

2019-11-04 – RMAA Workshop – 2019.11.11

2019-08-28 – AgriSETA discretionary grant applications

2019-08-12 – South Africa ASF update

2019-08-01 – Noord-Kaap RVAV Werkswinkel

2019-07-12 – South Africa ASF update

2019-07-05 – AgriSETA Survey

2019-06-25 – Draft SANS 885

2019-06-21 – Draft Waste Standard out for public comment

2019-06-21 – RMAA News Flash – Draft Waste Standard out for public comment

2019-06-14 – 2019 RMAA Gala Awards Ceremony

2019-06-13 – South Africa ASF update

2019-06-12 – RMAA Board & Thank You

2019-06-06 – Industry Recall Guidelines

2019-05-29 – Final Update on FMD

2019-05-22 – ASF – Movement Control Protocol

2019-05-21 – FMD Final Report

2019-04-25 Foot & Mouth Disease update report

2019-04-17 – Update on Foot and Mouth Disease

20190404 – IFFA RMAA News Flash

2019-04-01 FMD update report

FMD News Flash 20190328

Newsflash 2019-03-26: Agriseta Mandatory Grant

2019-03-01 FMD update report

Newsflash: Foot and Mouth Disease Update – 2019/02/27

FMD Vhembe outbreak and surveillance update report 18 02 2019

Newsflash: Foot and Mouth Disease – 2019/02/05

FMD update report 8 Jan 2019

RMAA News Flash

Below please find News articles from most recent to beginning of 2019

Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2018

Red Meat Abattoir Association News 2017