AMIE S.A.: Association of Meat
Importers and Exporters

The Association was founded due to a need by Meat and Poultry Importers and Exporters to have a mouthpiece to talk on behalf of the industry and to look after the interests of the members, as contained in the constitution.
The Association has been accepted and recognised as the Industry Spokesperson locally and internationally.
In South Africa AMIE is recognised by:
NDA (National Dept of Agriculture)
- ITAC / DTI (International Trade Access Commission)
- SARS / CUSTOMS (South African Revenue Services)
- NAMC (National Agriculture Marketing Council)
AMIE is a member of the Red Meat Industry Forum (Policy body for the Red Meat Industry)
AMIE is a member of SAMIC (SOUTH AFRICAN MEAT INDUSTRY COMPANY) and holds a seat on the board of directors
Internationally AMIE is recognised, amongst others, by:
- USAPEEC (United States of America Poultry and Egg Export Council)
- ABIPEC (Associacao Brasileira da Industria Produtora e Exportadora de Carne Suina)
- German Export Chamber
- Irish Meat Board
AMIE has been involved in many matters relating to:
- Tariff determination
- Market access
- Trade Barriers
- Import Duties
- Dumping Duties
- And other matters relating to fair trade
AMIE supported the Red Meat Industry in applying for a proportional statutory levy on the Red Meat Industry and is a beneficiary of this levy.
Current focus areas are:
– Sustainable trade (in particular market access and tariffs)
– Fair trade ( level playing field for all participants)
P.O. Box 1809; Rivonia; 2128; South Africa
Cell: +27 82- 5636002
Tel: +27 11- 8032058
Fax: +27 11- 8075691