SAPPO: South African Pork Producers' Organisation

South African Pork Producer’s Organisation

The South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) is the mouthpiece of pork producers in South Africa. The organisation serves the South African pork producer by co-operating within the organised agricultural fraternity and by liaising with various sectoral organisations, role-players within the supply chain of the meat industry, the government and international interest groups.

SAPPO is a broad-based and dynamic service provider and facilitator, representing and supporting all South Africa’s pig farmers in their quest for profitability and sustainability. Also see SAPPO’s objectives and functions in the menu left.

The organisation is recognised by the government and other agricultural role-players as the mouthpiece and representative organisation for pork producers. It provides a one-stop service (see functions) which aims at presenting the South African pork producer’s point of view from various platforms.

SAPPO’s membership is calculated in terms of the number of commercial sows in the country.

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