Game Meat Examiner (6-Months,
Bovine, Ovine, Porcine & Game species)

RMAA Background
The RMAA is an independent membership-based organization, which was established in February 1991 with its primary aim to provide training at all red meat abattoirs in South Africa. The Association is a
representative forum for red meat abattoir owners in South Africa and aims to establish communication and cooperation between the members of the Association in order to determine a coordinated opinion on matters of general, as well as specific, importance. The Association provides members with specific and general information and technology regarding all aspects of the industry and related activities and renders services to advance and promote the industry.
The red meat abattoir industry currently comprises of approximately 470 abattoirs ranging from rural to high throughput. The Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act 40 of 2000) addresses measures to promote the safety of meat and animal products and to establish and maintain Essential National Standards in respect of all abattoirs in SA. Consideration is always given to national and international guidelines and regulatory requirements in the rendering of training and other services to the industry.
About AST
Legislation requires any institution conducting learnerships to be registered as a Further Education and Training College (FET College) at the Department of Education. In order to comply, the RMAA decided to establish Abattoir Skills Training (AST) to conduct all its formal training programmes. AST is BBBEE compliant.
What Accreditation does AST have?
- AgriSETA as a training provider (ETQA)
- Department of Education as a Further Education and Training College
- SAATCA (029)
Why Should I Attend This Course?
Meat inspection is a legislative requirement in terms of the Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act 40 of 2000). Meat examiners are trained to perform primary meat inspection under the designation of the Department of Agriculture, Veterinary Public Health.
How Will I Be Trained?
The course duration is 6 months. It is a self-study course and learners are required to do work prior to contact sessions. IMQAS has been contracted to provide the mentoring. The mentor will guide and assist you throughout the course. In addition, there will be 4 contact sessions for guidance and assistance. Two formative assessments (theory tests) must be written to obtain permission for the final exam. Learners must obtain an average of at least 40% for the two formative assessments to qualify for writing the final exam.
The summative (final) assessment will require 2 days (1 theory and 1 practical). The contact sessions will be at centralized venues. The location of these venues will be determined based on proximity to
accommodate learners. Learners will be advised of dates and details of venues at the start of the course.
What Areas Will Be Covered?
- Primary Meat Inspection
- Anatomy and physiology
- Microbiology
- Pathology
- Meat Quality & Safety
- Abattoir Layout
- Personal Hygiene
- Pest Control
- Cleaning and sanitation
- Waste management
- Slaughter & Dressing
- Condemned material
How Much Practical Is Required?
Approximately 20 days of primary meat inspection per specie is required. This has to be done at a high throughput facility. The number of days could be more or less, based on individual learner progress. A logbook of practical work has to be kept and signed off by the mentor. This evidence is required for admission to the final assessment.
Game Meat Inspection is a specialization field and primary meat inspection is required in applicable
Where Do I Get The Guides And Manuals?
At present, the Meat Inspector’s Manual for Red Meat, published by the National Department of Agriculture, Directorate Veterinary Services, Veterinary Public Health is used. The ring-bound manual contains all the learning material and will be despatched with the registered post upon registration and payment. In addition, a study guide and a logbook for recording practical work are also supplied.
What Is The Cost Of The Training And What Does It Include?
The cost of the Meat Examiner course is R10,300.00 (Excl 15% VAT). The cost of the Game Meat Examiner Course is R 13 043.48 (Excl 15% VAT) This is payable upon registration and before commencement with the course. Any changes to the course fees will be communicated to the delegate as soon as it occurs.
The cost includes the following:
- Study guide
- Learning material
- Facilitation
- Formative assessment
- Mentoring
- Summative assessment (Including practical assessment)
- Certification
What Does It Not Include?
- Protective clothing (Overalls, hard hat, gumboots, apron)
- Equipment (Knives, Scabbard, Meat Inspection hook)
- Travel and accommodation
- Game to harvest for the Game Meat Examiner learners
- Game practical accommodation & transport